Creating a custom trader npc in Minecraft
My spouse wanted me to write down what I learned for creating custom shop NPCs in Minecraft so she could learn how as well, so I thought I’d do a blog post s...
My spouse wanted me to write down what I learned for creating custom shop NPCs in Minecraft so she could learn how as well, so I thought I’d do a blog post s...
Update: I corrected an error in the last item setup to change it from 199 pokeballs to 119 pokeballs, which was an oversight on my part. Using 199 instead co...
I just added HTTPS support to this site 😄
Swift 4 is almost upon us, and I thought I would explore one of its features that I haven’t had the opportunity to that much: KeyPaths. There’s a lot of inte...
I’ll be at the try! swift conference today through Wednesday! I’m super excited for the presentations and workshop, and for the chance to meet new people and...
The WWDC keynote came and went, and I thought I’d review here which of my wishes came true:
WWDC 2017 starts in a few days. I’m excited at the potential new toys Apple will be announcing for developers, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t have specific th...
At work, we’re investigating new architectures to use in our app that should make it easier to develop and test our code across the many teams who work on ou...